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Backpacks & Luggage
Free UK Delivery Orders Over £75.00
Free UK Delivery Orders Over £75.00
Casström knives are shaving sharp out of the box and to help maintain that keen edge there are two, handcrafted Casstrom leather strops to choose from.
The Field Strop has is ideal for keeping in a pocket or bag for a sharpening in the field.
What is a strop and why are they useful?
A strop is used to maintain the sharpness of the edge of the knife. They are easy to use, and if you strop every time the knife has been used, the sharpness of the edge is maintained longer. This means that you do not need to sharpen the knife as often with other, more coarse sharpening tools such as a diamond or whetstone.
You use the strop by placing the edge of the knife against the leather and pulling the knife in the direction of the knife spine (i.e. you pull the blade away from the edge). Repeat the procedure about 20 times on each side.
One side has a rougher surface and the other a finer one. On the coarser side, if you want, you can apply stropping paste for increased sanding effect.
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