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Outdoors the Scandinavian Way - Survival Skills, by Lars Falt


Survival is a specialist field in the world of outdoors skills and something that becomes more relevant as we become more and more detached from the natural world – even for  those of us with a love of the outdoors.

What would you do if the worst happened? How would you find your way back if you were lost? Could you survive several days in the wilds, without contact with the outside world and without immediate access to prepared food and palatable drinking water?

These questions and more will be answered within the pages of this book.

Outdoors the Scandinavian Way – Survival Skillscontains a wealth of practical information, from how we can use the skills and knowledge of indigenous peoples to help us hone our survival skills, to how to build shelter, make fire, procure safe, drinkable water, obtain food, and how to use certain edible plants.

About Lars Fält:
Lars Fält is internationally regarded as one of the foremost experts in wilderness and survival skills. Lars founded the Swedish Armed Forces Survival School and was in charge there for many years. His interest in outdoor pursuits, survival and knives came early during his military career.

He has extensive experience as an instructor with airborne units of the Swedish armed forces and has trained the British SAS and US Special Forces. He has also participated as an instructor with other overseas armed forces in terrain as varied as the Canadian arctic through to the Australian outback.
